About Digital Diplomas
When you graduate, you can choose to receive a digital version of your diploma in addition to the physical diploma which is sent via mail. The digital diploma is sent as an email attachment, and is added to a mobile wallet app on your mobile device(s). It is coded and certifiable using blockchain technology, which is used to both protect and verify your diploma. There is no additional cost for the digital diploma.
- While everyone receives a physical diploma, you must opt-in and take action to receive a digital diploma by downloading the Blockcerts Wallet mobile app for iOS or Android, and adding Maryville as a credentials issuer.
- The Blockcerts Wallet app can also be used for other blockchain-based credentials.
- After the conclusion of each semester, an initial issuance will be conducted for graduates of that semester. If you have downloaded the app and connected to Maryville at the time of initial issuance, you will receive your digital diploma automatically. For those who download the app and connect to Maryville after the initial issuance, diplomas are issued on a monthly cycle on the 1st of each month.
- You will need access to your Maryville University email account in order to receive a digital diploma. You can identify your username and/or reset your password here. For additional assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk.
Download Blockcerts Wallet App
Verifying a Maryville Digital Diploma
Use our verification portal to authenticate credentials that have been issued by Maryville University and written to the blockchain.
The verification process answers questions about the credential’s integrity and validity:
- Is the credential the same as when the issuer issued it? (i.e. how do I know it wasn’t tampered with?)
- Was the credential revoked?
The verification process ensures that the credential you see wasn’t tampered with by comparing hashes with what is registered on the blockchain. It also confirms that Maryville University was the issuer of the digital diploma.
The verification process ensures the credential wasn’t revoked. A credential may have been revoked by Maryville University if it contained errors or was issued mistakenly.
Frequently Asked Questions

Email: blockchain@baoqiuyue.net
Phone: 314-529-9360